Some of The Most Successful Businesses In The US Were Started By Entrepreneurs Over Age 50 – For most people, retirement conjures up an image of an elderly couple sitting in their Florida home reading the newspaper. Retirement usually means no more 8-hour work days and no more income, which is why there’s so much discussion around which investments you should consider for your retirement account and stress about how to hold on to those savings. But it turns out a lot of people are challenging the traditional definition of retirement. According to an infographic published by Irish life insurance company Easy Life Cover, one in three new businesses in the US were started by an entrepreneur age 50 or older. Those aged 55-64 in the US have actually had the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity in the last 10 years. That’s not to say that this is a new phenomenon. The founders of McDonald’s, Coca Cola, and Kentucky Fried Chicken were all over 50 when they established their businesses. Take a look at the infographic below to find out a little more about the entrepreneurs who made a fortune from delaying retirement.
What Does Your Retirement Look Like
March 22, 2019
Some of The Most Successful Businesses In The US Were Started By Entrepreneurs Over Age 50 - For most people, retirement conjures up an image of an elderly couple sitting in their Florida home reading the newspaper.

Sharon Scott
Chief Operating Officer
Sharon is a mother of three and loving wife to Dr Kenneth L Scott. She has been a part of the medical community for over 30 years, working in several capacities from Registered Nurse, Medical Administrator to Marketing and Public Relations.
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