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Bridging the Chasm between Medical Directors and Nursing Home Administrators, Staff
The government has made medical directors responsible for the quality of care at nursing homes but these doctors’ roles are often sidetracked in a shuffle of paperwork and communication barriers between nurses and administrators.
The Caregiver’s Balancing Act: Vital Self-Care Strategies
Handling the personal care of a loved one is a sacred calling. But new caregivers must be aware of not becoming so overwhelmed with tending to someone else’s needs that they end up neglecting their own.
Full-Time Doctor on Staff Improves Patient Outcomes in Nursing Homes
Patient’s case of neurosarcoidosis proves to be a good example of why doctors working alongside NPs and PAs in both the hospital and the nursing home setting provide the best response to quality-of-care outcomes.
Viewing End-of-Life Considerations through the Lens of Patients and Their Family Members
Although the emotional burden of supporting a family and the patient through the dying process can feel overwhelming, when put into perspective, it is a lighter burden than the one health care workers carry when families struggle to process what happened.
Gradual Dose Reduction Requires Measure of Caution in Nursing Home Environment
When it comes to a patient’s health, weaning them off medication through gradual dose reduction is a worthy objective. Attempting to do so, however, should always be evaluated with caution and is not always the correct approach for every patient.
Dr. Kenneth Scott Advises on How Nursing Homes Can Increase Accountability
In his most recent Forbes article, Dr. Kenneth Scott, CEO and founder of SilverSage Management Services, focuses on three things nursing homes can do now to make improvements and increase accountability.
SilverSage’s Dr. Kenneth Scott Jr. Accepted Into Forbes Business Council
Forbes Business Council is an invitation-only community for successful business owners and leaders.